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Friday May 15, 2009

Both God’s grace and man’s faith are necessary for salvation
By God’s grace, He purchased our right to be saved, and now he freely provides all things necessary for us to receive and retain salvation. Thus man’s salvation is a product of God’s grace from start to finish.

Of course, we need to understand that grace does not eliminate our choice. God has given us the freedom either to surrender to Him or reject Him, but we can contribute nothing positive to earn our own salvation.

Faith is the means by which man accepts and receives God’s saving grace (Romans 3:21-31; Ephesians 2:8). Man cannot help God in providing salvation, but man does have the responsibility to accept or reject what God offers.

Man’s response to God in accepting His work of salvation is called faith. Thus faith is the channel through which God’s grace comes to man. Both God’s grace and man’s faith are necessary for salvation. “Without faith it is impossible to please him [God]” (Hebrews 11:6).
Listen to my podcast, Mp3, entitled "The Balance between Grace of God and Man's Faith!".

Friday May 15, 2009

This topic is about “The Balance Between Faith and Works.” When we believe, we are qualified to receive anything and everything God’s Word guarantee us. Mental ascent alone or just mentally believing in or on Jesus Christ and His Word does not amount to salvation within itself. Rather, our faith becomes the propelling force, a power that compels us and that causes us to act on what we believe (John 1:11-13). Our works is a visible expression of what we say we believe!

Both Satan and demons believe (James 2:19), but their belief does not save them. It takes more than this type of believing to be saved, yet we can never be saved without believing. Faith is the first step, the beginning ingredient, and a necessary part of salvation. Every step toward God must be prefaced by faith.
For related series, see topics: "Truth About Salvation 1" , Truth About Salvation 2" , "Water Baptism In Jesus' Name".

Truth About Salvation 2

Friday May 15, 2009

Friday May 15, 2009

“…Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” -- Acts 16:30

“…Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:27

It’s a very important question! Because it concerns our soul and our eternity! Through centuries people asked this question as they seek to assure their hearts of their spiritual condition. I join you in the quest for salvation, I too want to be saved from sin, But the question remains: What must I do to be saved?

We know that Jesus Christ provided a way for us to be saved from sin and everlasting punishment. But what must I do to receive the wonderful gift of salvation Jesus Christ is offering to me?
For a companion series watch: "Truth About Salvation 1".

Truth About Salvation 1

Friday May 15, 2009

Friday May 15, 2009

“…Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” -- Acts 16:30

“…Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:27

It’s a very important question! Because it concerns our soul and our eternity! Through centuries people asked this question as they seek to assure their hearts of their spiritual condition. I join you in the quest for salvation, I too want to be saved from sin, But the question remains: What must I do to be saved?

We know that Jesus Christ provided a way for us to be saved from sin and everlasting punishment. But what must I do to receive the wonderful gift of salvation Jesus Christ is offering to me?
For a companion series, watch: "Truth About Salvation 2".

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